Overcoming various recruitment challenges, we have made significant progress in recent weeks, setting the stage for a promising new phase of our study. As previously discussed in our last update, we established a crucial partnership with a survey firm that generously offered to share our screening survey within their extensive enumerator networks.
As a result of this collaboration, a total of 149 respondents have completed our screening survey. Out of this pool, 124 individuals met our eligibility criteria, which specifically targeted unmarried individuals below 28 years of age. Notably, the gender distribution among our respondents is admirably balanced, with 55% identifying as male and 45% as female. This equilibrium ensures that our data accurately represents the perspectives of both genders, a vital component in addressing our research questions effectively.
We have tailored our anonymous survey to suit this new group of respondents. The survey is now fully prepared and set to launch this week, marking a significant milestone in our research project. The moment we've been eagerly anticipating is finally here, and we are excited to begin gathering the valuable data that will contribute to our research objectives.
In addition to these accomplishments, we recently had a productive meeting with a research manager who shared her valuable insights based on her experience recruiting college students in Delhi. She recommended reaching out directly to professors within the economics departments of colleges, as they are often open to collaborating on research projects. Additionally, she suggested hiring college students to assist in disseminating our survey among their peers, a strategy that we are eager to pilot to extend our outreach efforts.
With these recent developments, we are ready to tackle the next phase of our research project with renewed energy and a clearer path forward. Thank you for being a part of our research adventure!